Tag: children

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Bunny Bounces: Easter-Themed Trampoline Fun

As Easter approaches, families are on the lookout for unique and engaging activities that not only entertain but also promote physical activity among children. Incorporating the joy of jumping on trampolines with the festive spirit of Easter, we’ve crafted a series of delightful games and activities designed for young jumpers. Whether you have a compact...


Growing Strong: Development through Outdoor Exploration

In an age where screens often dominate our lives and our children’s, the call of the wild—or at least the backyard—has never been more enticing. Outdoor exploration offers a treasure trove of benefits for the development of children, from physical health to emotional well-being and beyond. Let’s embark on a light-hearted journey through the joys...


create a dream classroom at home

Creating an at-home classroom for homeschooling offers numerous benefits for both parents and children alike. In today’s dynamic educational landscape, many families are choosing homeschooling for its flexibility, personalized learning opportunities, and tailored curriculum. By establishing a dedicated learning environment within the home, parents can provide a structured yet comfortable setting conducive to focused learning....


Setting your children up for financial freedom

It’s the first day of 2024 and everything is thinking about the future and how they can make things better than last year. Whether you want to start eating healthier, start saving for a house or you want to start looking at a financial future for you children then right now is the best time....


How to Raise a Compassionate Child

In a world that can sometimes seem fast-paced and self-centred, instilling values that make a compassionate child is a powerful way to create a kinder, more empathetic future. Compassion is a fundamental trait that goes beyond sympathy; it involves understanding, caring, and taking action to help others.  As parents, cultivating empathy and compassion in our...

confident child

Helping Your Child to Become More Confident

Being confident is a key attribute that shapes a child’s ability to navigate life’s challenges, build resilience, and pursue their dreams. As parents, nurturing and bolstering your child’s confidence is a crucial part of their development.  having a confident child Instilling confidence doesn’t happen overnight but is an ongoing process that involves support, encouragement, and...


Is Sixth Form the Right Choice for My Child?

Choosing the right educational path for your child after their GCSEs can be a daunting decision. One common option for many students is Sixth Form education. However, determining whether it’s the best fit for your child requires careful consideration and understanding of their academic ambitions, learning style, and future goals. What is Sixth Form? Sixth...


Exploring Gratitude with Your Child

Gratitude is a powerful emotion that can positively impact our lives in numerous ways. Teaching children about being grateful from an early age can nurture a sense of appreciation, empathy, and happiness. As parents, fostering a culture of thankfulness and exploring gratitude with your child can be a rewarding and enriching experience for the entire...

a level

A Parents’ Guide to A Levels

The A Level qualification is a pivotal stage in a student’s educational journey. As a parent, supporting your child through this crucial period can play a significant role in their success and well-being. Whether you’re familiar with the A Level system or stepping into uncharted territory, like attending a senior school in Bath, understanding what...


Tips for helping your child prepare for the school bus

Sending your child off to school for the first time, or even if they’re seasoned pros, can be a daunting experience. The school bus is often the first taste of independence for many children, and establishing a smooth morning routine is key to ensuring a positive start to the day. Keep reading for some valuable...