Home Organisation Tips for a Stress-Free Christmas


The festive season is fast approaching, heralding the arrival of joy, warmth, and merriment. At least that’s usually what we hope for. However, for some of us the run up can be quite daunting, what with all the organising and arranging that needs doing. 

To make it easier, we’ve rounded up a few tips, from keeping the house clean and tidy to making use of self storage options to clear the decks a bit. Do whatever you need to so Christmas is the relaxed, fun time it ought to be. 

Plan and Prioritise Decorations

Map out your decoration plan to avoid last-minute chaos. Decide on a theme or colour scheme for a cohesive look. Focus on high-impact areas like the living room, dining space, and entrance to set the festive tone. Invest in versatile decorations that can be used in multiple areas to maximise their impact.

Streamline Gift Wrapping 

Gather all the necessary supplies like wrapping paper, ribbons, tape, and gift tags in one place. Consider using a portable caddy or container to keep everything organised and easily accessible. A simple carboard box will do the job, and you can carry it from room to room as you need to. It’s also easy to hide away if you’re trying to keep your Santa activities secret. 

Declutter for a Clear Canvas

Before you start on the festive decorations, go on a decluttering mission. Start with a room-by-room assessment, especially those areas you plan to decorate as it’s surprising how much space trees and garlands take up. You might need to move the furnishings around a bit, or pack up some of your everyday ornaments. Consider storage unit rental so you can safely stow items completely out of the house to make more room. If you’re entertaining, you’ll need more floor space for games or dancing. 

Organise the Kitchen

Everyone wants to be in the kitchen, especially when delicious aromas are permeating the house. Clear out and tidy the cupboards, getting rid of items past their sell by date for instance, so you have plenty of room for all the extra food. Do the same with the fridge, making sure there’s shelf space for sealable boxes to keep leftovers fresh. Make catering easier by creating a Christmas meal plan and a list of ingredients and items you’ll need for holiday meals and stock up in advance, if you can.

Create a Count-down Schedule

Listing what needs doing and when you can do it can really help you get everything done in time. It’s tough, especially when you’re juggling work, kids, family and all the other normal daily activities on top. Include gift shopping, food shopping, social engagements, decorating, crafting, writing Christmas cards (and getting them posted!). Breaking tasks into manageable chunks helps avoid last-minute rushes and reduces stress.


Maintain Daily Cleaning Routines

In the midst of the extra hustle, don’t neglect the regular cleaning routine. Devote a few minutes each day to tidying up. Simple tasks like making the bed, doing dishes promptly, and clearing surfaces can maintain order and prevent overwhelming messes. It’s all too easy to skip something when you’re tired, but what’s not done today is still there tomorrow, adding to the task list.

Delegate and Involve Family

Share the festive responsibilities by involving the entire family. Allocate tasks suitable for each member’s abilities. Whether it’s hanging decorations, setting the table, or baking treats, involving everyone fosters a sense of togetherness and lessens the burden on any single individual. Other people often don’t realise just how much work goes into Christmas, so it’s only fair to get others involved.

Embrace the Spirit of the Season

Amidst the planning and organising, remember the true essence of Christmas – spending quality time with loved ones. That’s what it’s all about really. Let go of perfection and go with the flow. 

As long as everyone is fed, warm and happy, Christmas is as good as it gets and there will be happy memories to look back on.  

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