3 great cold weather winter warmer hacks

3 great cold weather winter warmer hacks

With the summer now well and truly over its time to start thinking about preparing for the fast approaching cold winter we are due to have. Everyone is understandably concerned and keeping their houses warm, keeping the family fed and keeping fuel in their cars with the current cost of living. One thing that always makes people feel warm and cosy on a winter day is a nice hot meal. Here are a few ways you can used food and cooking to create a warm atmosphere in your home when you don’t want to be out in the frigid cold.


You can’t beat a comforting hot meal on a cold day. It warms the body and the soul. There are a lot of meals that are often associated with winter and cold weather like soups, stews, casseroles and hot puddings. Having good quality meat is essential to a good hearty meal and it makes all the difference. I eat a lot of meals during the winter that I don’t often have through the rest of the year like roasts.

I know it’s a very English tradition and many people will have a roast dinner weekly, but growing up with Caribbean heritage, a full on roast dinner was something we had at Christmas and sometimes Easter too. As an adult now who was born and raised in London, I definitely appreciate a roast much more now and go to the local carvery with friends. This has translated into my home now and I’ll often prepare roasted meats in the winter. I love the smell and warms roasting meats brings to the house.

winter meats
Swaledale butchers meat

Warm the house

Cooking in the kitchen fills the house with the aroma of the upcoming meal but not only that, it also warms the whole house which is always lovely on a cold day. Whether you are baking cookies with the kids or making a full on roast for dinner having the oven going will always warm up the place and its a great way to get all the family together chipping in to get everyone in the warmest room of the house. This is a great way to save money on heating the whole house when all the family is gathered together.

Winter gathering

It’s a great idea to find ways to keep costs down over the winter period as much as possible but it’s also imperative to keep yourself and your family warm and safe. There are some provisions put in place by the government to help families if the cost of keeping warm is becoming too much.

share the warmth

A good way to make sure everyone stays warm and gets good hot meals without getting yourself into financial trouble is to share the warmth and the cost. Spending more time with friends and family is not only good for relationships and the soul it can also be very beneficial to saving money. Keeping the spirits up and the costs down.

Gathering together to visit relatives or having them over to yours means you only need to heat one house, you only need to use one oven, one TV … and the list the goes. I know it’s not practical to move your whole family in with relatives but the occasional gathering with different family members and friends will make things a little easier for everyone. This also goes for shopping trips etc cutting the costs of petrol and buying shopping in bulk . If you can work with family and neighbours there are so many ways to alleviate some of the financial stresses we are sure to see this winter.

If you can think of some tips and tricks you think may help others, please leave them below as sharing is caring.

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